Ford Motor Company Customer-Specific Requirements,For Use With ISO/TS 16949
Per ISO/TS 16949, an “organization” is the manufacturing facility being registered to
ISO/TS 16949. The sub-tier supplier is the manufacturing facility directly contracted by the
organization to ship product to the organization insupport of a Ford Motor Company
A sub-tier supplier hired by the organization to perform services not directly related to a
Ford Motor Company contract (e.g. floor cleaning orgrass cutting) is not impacted in any
way by the sub-tier supplier development or other sub-tier supplier requirements stated in
ISO/TS 16949.In this document, the terms “organization” and “supplier” are interchangeable, both
representing the company (or site) being registeredto ISO/TS 16949.
1. Scope
ISO/TS 16949 and this document define the fundamentalquality system requirements for
Ford Motor Company suppliers. This document contains the company-specific
requirements supplemental to Technical Specification, ISO/TS 16949. These
supplemental requirements shall be included in the scope of the registration/certification
audit in order to be recognized as satisfying the Ford Motor Company supplier criteria for
third-party certification by an IATF recognized andcontracted certification body.
ISO/TS 16949 is applicable to manufacturing sites of suppliers to Ford Motor Company
(production and service parts and materials), and to assemblers of production parts or
materials supplying to Ford Vehicle Assembly Plants.
Tooling & Equipment suppliers to Ford Motor Companyare not eligible to be registered to
ISO/TS 16949. Registration to ISO 9001 is acceptable.
Semi-Conductor suppliers may register to ISO/TS 16949, providing they meet the scope
requirements. .
Service parts and materials applicability does not include aftermarket or remanufactured
parts (See Definitions, “Organization”).
All ISO/TS 16949 requirements and the requirements of this document shall be addressed
by the organization’s quality system.
ISO/TS 16949 sanctioned interpretations are available on
http://www.iatfglobaloversight.org/ .
The US English language version of this document shall be the official version forpurposes of third party registration…